Friday, November 11, 2011

Great man,

He is Nikola Tesla,

He was a Serbian-American inventor.
A mechanical and Electrical Engineer.

Honestly, I don't know him.
Do you?

Do you know Thomas Edison?
Edison is so famous because of his
ground breaking inventions like the light bulb
and the DC or Direct Current in producing
electricity. You know him for sure.

How is Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison connected to each other?

1884, Edison hired Tesla to work for his company, Edison Machine Works. Tesla's work for Edison began with simple electrical engineering and quickly progressed to solving some of the company's most difficult problems.

Tesla was offered to redesign Edison's Direct Current Generators. He was offered $50,000 (nowadays, it is equivalent to $1.1 million) if he redesigned Edison's inefficient motor and generators, making an improvement in both service and economy.

1885 when Tesla inquired about the payment for his work, Edison replied, "Tesla, you don't understand our American Humor", thus breaking his word.

Tesla Immediately resigned and build up his own company. Right then, He invented Alternating Current (AC). The battle between Tesla's AC and Edison's DC began. It was called "War of Currents."

Edison's currents need long thick cables, and needed a large powerplant every square miles. Tesla's AC provided more voltage, using thinner wires, and can easily be transmitted over long distance.

Now,AC is what all homes use today. Tesla won.

What make Tesla even more Awesome?

He has a photographic memory like Jose P. Rizal. His photographic memory enabled him to visualize complex devices in his head and then build them without ever writing anything down. He spoke eight languages, including English, French, Serbian, Italian, Latin, German, Hungarian, and Czech. He could memorize entire books and memorize them at will.

When he was bored, he did things like creating 130 foot long bolts of lightning in his front yard. He still holds the world record for the longest bolt of manmade lightning.

The first hydro eletric plant was built by Tesla at Niagra Falls.

Earthquakes was a natural occurring event unless you we're a roommate with Tesla. While living in NYC, he discovered the resonant frequency of the earth, something that scientists weren't able to confirm until 60 years later. Using this, Tesla created an "earthquake machine". When he turned it on, the machine nearly destroyed his apartment and the surrounding block had he not smashed it with a sledgehammer.

He also designed a "death ray", which could supposedly destroy thousands of airplanes from hundreds miles away. And quote from the book, "He possessed an evil bone in his body, and could've probably found a way to screw up the earth's rotation and send us all spiraling into the sun like squealing little sausages.

Free energy for the entire planet was one of Tesla's final offerings to the world. He built a device that could transmit eletricity wirelessly for 26 miles. He received funding from J.P. Morgan, and built the Wardencylffe Tower. This tower would provide free energy and communication for the entire world. When Morgan discovered Tesla's plan to provide free energy, he shut the project down believing there was no financial gain to the idea.

The modern electric motor, the radio, robotics, Neon, X-Rays, Basic radar and laser technology, wireless communications, and some other well devised inventions, are all invented by Tesla.

I am not saying that Edison doesn't deserve the respect and recognition that He received. I would just like to say that Tesla deserves the same recognition that Edison received.

Tesla is amazing!, I idolize him now. :)

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